Mommies, Bellies, Babies and Daddies For Week ending 7-24-22
Submitted by: Healthy Hearts Plus II
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Workshop: Mommies, Bellies, Babies & Daddies
Location: Calhoun Center – COVID 96 Foods as Prescription RX & Delivery
Attendance: 159 persons served – 72 families served – 17 pregnant, 19 breastfeeding moms, 7 fathers, 36 babies & toddlers, 11 children, 1 staff 2 drivers
Race Breakdown: 17 Black; 50 families in need; 3 transients
Deliveries: 17 families delivered by CAHN Transportation
Food Poundage: 974 pounds of food; 13.52 lbs. of food per family
Nutrition Info: Meatless Monday Recipe for Succotash
New Mothers: 2
Diapers: 2
Home Deliveries: 17 by CAHN
Home Deliveries: 55 by other means
Total Deliveries: 72
Food sovereignty: 17 foods as prescription bags were delivered to our Pregnant, New Moms and Breastfeeding families during COVID19.
Topic: We would like to begin our weekly report each week with appreciation to Mr. Tracy Causey and the Capital Area Health Network transportation team for their show of support and collective solidarity as food is medicine bags were delivered to our pregnant, postpartum moms and breastfeeding mothers.
During this time of social distancing and isolation and in compliance with the CDC guidelines, we will make home deliveries to our families so that they will have the necessary nutritious foods utilizing food as medicine. Our staff and drivers continue to follow the state mandated 6 feet distance so that they maintain a safe distance from our families while they provide this essential service.
This week we welcomed 2 new mothers to our sister circle. Both mothers are expecting in late fall and early winter. Food is medicine bags were provided to all our families this week as well as 2 COVID tests kits per family on behalf of the Capital Area Health Network. The members of the New Beginning
Church ministry also donated diapers. We are so grateful for all our community partners and those who give to support our mission.
You can find more information on our programs on Facebook and Instagram. On behalf of Dr. Alice Freeman, the entire staff of Healthy Hearts Plus II and the families we serve, we say, “Thank You” for your unselfish love and act of kindness. We pray blessings of good health, peace of mind and total wellness for each of you. Please continue to be safe and well.
Session Needs: None currently.
Conclusion: Care packages consisting of food items and other essentials were distributed to each participant.