Healthy Hearts Plus II: Mommies, Bellies, Babies, and Daddies encourages the inclusion of fathers and other family members within the community for support. HHP II: MBBD program has changed the paradigm by using holistic health as a platform, based on collective outcomes through a commitment to the growth of a person in the social, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being for total wellness.
In 2006, MBBD was created with the goal to inform new mothers about the importance of breastfeeding, nutrition during and after pregnancy, and combating the maternal and infant mortality rate in minority communities. MBBD is a sister circle, a group of women, where young mothers can come and discuss not just their needs for pregnancy, but also their personal challenges. It is also designed to educate and empower mothers with the ABC’s of Breastfeeding: Appreciate themselves, Bond with their baby, and become a better Caretaker of self and baby.
Mommies, Bellies, Babies, and Daddies, provides breastfeeding and parenting support through education utilizing a unique urbanized curriculum that speaks directly to the concerns of the women who are pregnant and parent children in underserved areas. With the assistance of a certified Doula, participants gain knowledge in breastfeeding support and techniques as well as pre-natal and post-partum support by utilizing birth plans created to meet their specific needs and desires as well as post-partum care for mom and baby. Participants are taught basic nutrition education through workshops, hands on training/breastfeeding demonstrations, mentorship sister circles, and Mommy Support/Care packages. Care packages include the following: diapers, wipes, lanolin, breast pads, breast shields, small articles of clothing and food bags.
In addition to our program goals, we address associated risk factors such as; maternal stress and depression, and breastfeeding rates, to help reduce low birth weight and racial disparities.